Moving a laptop from Wired -> Wireless breaks Outlook
I wasn't too sure which forum to post this one in. But seeing as it may be a network/security issue I figured I'd start here. Infrastructure details:- Windows XP SP3 and Windows 7 clients. Outlook 2007 SP2 Exchange 2007 SP2 with Update Rollup 2 Outlook Anywhere in use ISA Server in the mix but for this issue it is all internal. These clients are laptops connected to the network via wired and wireless (they are sitting on a dock) at the same time. Outlook has been opened without any issues and has been in use. If the user then undocks the laptop the following occurs:- XP SP3 clients reconnect to the Exchange server and it’s all pretty seamless. The user doesn’t notice. Windows 7 clients attempt to reconnect to the Exchange server but fails and then prompts the user for credentials. Entering the creds just results in continuous password prompts. If the user then closes and reopens Outlook on the Windows 7 client all is well. Going the other way (from Wireless to Wired) there is no issue. Any suggestions are more than welcome!!
April 27th, 2010 6:58am

My first suggestion would be to close Outlook before disconnecting and reopen it aftewards. The reason for it, I'm guessing, is that Outlook is using RPC connections to the Exchange server and it's establishing those over your lowest cost network, which is almost certainly your wired connection. When you disconnect the wired connection, but leave Outlook running, it's not resetting the RPC connections. Not sure why it works going the other way. Closing/disconnect/reopening Outlook seems like a pretty low-cost workaround though.-B- Author: The Lawyer's Guide to Microsoft Outlook
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April 27th, 2010 8:03am

I've already told the user that. But their response is that it used to work just fine under XP. They are right so I'm trying to find where the issue is. They tend to have a bunch of emails etc open so closing down Outlook is a nuisance for them.
April 27th, 2010 8:06am

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